This past spring I came across a post on one of the blogs I follow, Viewfinders, called Instant Spring. I thought the images were lovely, and I just loved this quote:
“One aspect of instant film that I love is the dreamy quality it gives to even the most ordinary subjects. The slight shift in colors, the sensitivity to the slightest movement as you press the shutter… and the surprises you see as the film develops are all part of the enjoyment.”
I was so inspired by the post that I set out with my little Leica Sofort, a gift from my sweet friend Donna, and took the images below.
My favorite thing about using instant film is definitely that dreamy quality. To me it’s what makes the photos, and gives them a character that can’t be replicated. Or can it? After looking at these and falling somewhat in love with the etherial feeling they evoke, I wondered if I could recreate them with my most recent obsession: my little Canon M50 mirrorless and 22mm lens.
I set out to the garden again to try to take some of the same images, and some similar. Then brought them home and worked on editing to as much of an instant film look as I could. Not for any particular reason than my own curiosity.
I’ve always believed that what makes film - of any type - so magical are the qualities inherent to it that digital can never match. There’s a richness to images captured on film that can’t be duplicated. Still, I was pretty happy with what I walked away with, and it made for a fun few afternoons of play.
And isn't that really the best part of spring? Going outside to play?