I’ve thought a lot lately about change. How it can be such a hard thing to grasp ahold of when we want it, but how it also comes to us often when we aren’t ready for it. How it can be a word of fear, and of dread. But also a word of anticipation. And one of hope. To be fully present - as people, all of us grappling with the enormity of so many heavy issues in this current moment - I think means to be acutely aware of change, and unafraid to face it. This time of year change seems to come at a dizzying pace. As September comes in the trees are green, the garden is full, the days still long and warm. But in a few weeks time the trees will all be changing color. And by the end of November the color will fade and the leaves will fall, leaving bare branches open in stark contrast against an almost-winter sky.

I’ve always wanted to do a photo a day project, and with the above in mind this seems like the perfect time. I have no real plans for how this will go; I’m not setting a theme, or any other parameters, not limiting myself to any particular subject. I tend to like to let my projects develop organically, so the goal is just to take and post one photo of something that speaks to me every day from now to the end of November, and see where it goes. Maybe it will go nowhere, and leave nothing but a random collection of images. Or maybe at the end of the journey I’ll be able to look back down the road and see how much has changed.

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