Tugging at me

I had originally written a nice long post to accompany these images, as I thought they needed quite an explanation. But in the end I lost steam on the writing and just couldn’t get it to come together. It happens. So I’m keeping this short.

I recently watched a video in which Alex Soth said, “If Robert Frank were making The Americans and basing his editorial decisions on Instagram likes, the book wouldn’t exist.” It struck me.

These three images aren’t images that I would expect most people to like. Sharing them with two friends got completely opposite responses. And admittedly the one who liked them prefaced his praise with, “it can never get weird enough for me,” so, take that as you will.

The thing is, I like these images, even though I feel like maybe I’m not supposed to. They aren’t your typical pretty pictures, and they definitely aren’t what my Instagram page (or even my blog really) has been full of in the past. But they speak to me. They draw me in.


They tug at me and make me feel.

I’ve been saying for a while that I want to put more into those types of images, and I think that it’s time that I do.