So, it’s entirely possible that I am really no good at all at keeping up with this blog. Considering my last post was in February, and I lamented then that I had been too neglectful of it and vowed to do better. Whoops. The good news is that I haven’t had much time to blog because I’ve been so busy; between doing school portraits for two different preschools this past spring (SOOO much fun!), having my personal work featured at a local gallery, volunteering with our local river keeper, doing a number of amazing portrait sessions (including lots of beautiful families and the MOST fun prom photo shoot ever), and you know, enjoying my own life (five camping trips, two national parks, four state parks, three rivers, one beach, and countless miles on the trails) I haven’t really stopped since March. Man, I’m tired just writing that. But I am grateful for every single second of it.
It’s that last little part, enjoying my own life, that brings me to this post.
Back at the beginning of the year I set a goal to learn to shoot better in black and white, rather than just convert images after the fact; to train my brain to think in monochrome. I also became intent on trying to find my photographic voice, to create images rather than just snap photos, and to think of my personal work more as a body of work as opposed to a collection of random images. I started to think more in terms of projects, and working to figure out what it is I want to say with what I create. But I struggled to find exactly what that first “real” project would be.
Then suddenly one came to me; handed to me as if it were a gift.
Because of a calendar change in our school system this year my kiddos got a short summer, and my oldest especially, was bummed. I decided early on that we would make the most of every day, and I set out to capture it all on camera. The result is a collection I titled Every Last Drop. From the big achievements and adventures (my oldest learning to tie his shoes, camping in Shenandoah, and fossil hunting on the beach) to the little everyday moments (ice cream on the porch and evenings spent catching fireflies), I tried to capture the spirit of summer. But I also tried to capture images that speak to the spirit of childhood. I know that these perfectly magical summers are numbered. It won’t be long before it’s no longer cool for my oldest to love spending time with his family, and eventually even my youngest will outgrow the simple joy of the playground. It's amazing to watch them learn and explore; but they grow so fast.
These are the images I want indelibly left in my memory.
Every Last Drop
We kicked off our summer with ice cream on the front porch; my youngest, always one to take his time, and my oldest, never about to miss any little bit of good thing.
Look at What I Can Do
Early in the summer I taught my oldest how to tie his shoes. I was caught completely off guard by the emotion I felt watching him show off to Pawpaw his newly mastered skill. I was prepared for his first steps, his first day of kindergarten, his learning to ride a bike. But watching him in this moment I realized that, without giving it much thought we had passed a major milestone. Here was one more thing he could do on his own. One more thing he no longer needs me for.
Catching Fireflies
Summer evenings spent outside catching fireflies are a favorite memory from my own childhood, and I love that it’s become a favorite activity for my boys. They’re both quite good at it, so gentle with the little lighted fellas.
Cooling Off
There's a waterpark at the YMCA a block from our house, but nothing makes these two happier than playing in the inflatable pool in our own backyard. When it was hot they would beg for a “pool day” and enjoy every second splashing and playing.
Bike Repairs
When my youngest’s bike needed a little adjustment, big brother came to the rescue. These two spent hours wearing out a path from the carport to the house front, down the drive and back again.
Crossing a Line
My oldest loves the water, but has been a reluctant swimmer. After a couple of days in the big pool he got quite confident, and a little braver than I wished. I gave him the rope "line" as his boundary, but like most seven year olds he liked to see just how much he could get away with.
Farm Fresh Berries
Nothing says summer like picking fresh blackberries at the farm. Although we all agreed that we wished they grew when it was a little cooler out.
Slipping Away
It was a big day the first time my youngest did the fire pole all by himself. He was so proud of himself, of another step toward independence. But for me it was a reminder that his toddlerhood was, just like our summer, slipping away.
Too Hot to Play Outside
Some days were just too hot for the outdoors, and so my little guys were content to play in the living room floor: blocks, legos, cars, restaurant, camping. I loved watching their creativity.
Look at What I Found
We spent several days on the banks of the river playing in the sand and seeing what treasures we could find: lots of shells, a few cool rocks, and even a couple of fossilized sharks’ teeth.
Ankle Deep
These two loved cooling their feet in the water, even if they were a little mad about my "ankle deep" rule.
Picking Clover
During our camping trip to Shenandoah National Park the boys spent one evening after dinner picking clover flowers; my youngest to make bouquets for me, my oldest to make us all flower necklaces. I’m always amazed by their ability to create their own fun. For me it’s the most beautiful part of childhood, to find such pure joy in the smallest of things.
Cold Treat on a Hot Day
After a hot day picking berries and playing at the farm with friends we decided some fresh blackberry pie with ice cream was just what we needed. Hot as it was the kids were still eyeing the giant slide on the hill.
My Heroes
Despite all the adventures and fun we had, often my favorite moments were the simple ones. Just sitting and having lunch with these two was enough to make my day.